Wednesday 21 May 2014

Water Baby 'Bloom' Pregnancy Drink | Fairy's Tales

Today I am: 22 weeks 

It you're anything like me, remembering to take your vitamins is a bit hit and miss! I was really good with it up to 12 weeks, I started taking Pregnacare vitamins as soon as I got the positive on the pregnancy test but they really upset my stomach...I won't go into detail! I later learned that my sister started taking them and it made her really sick too. I've read that some vitamins aimed at pregnant ladies can contain laxatives to ease the symptoms of constipation, so althought there are benefits of the extra vitamins they may also have some other things your body certainly won't benefit from. Especially in my case as I haven't really suffered from constipation at all!

In my pre-booking in session at my first midwife clinic they actually supplied us with a multi-vitamin free on the NHS which I took every day up until 12 weeks and then a few wees after until the pot was finished. Although the guidelines say that it is most important to take Folic Acid in the first 12 weeks, of course you can carry on taking them as long as you want. It's believed that Folic Acid actually helps with mood swings and acne, in fact I used to take Folic Acid tablets way before I was pregnant.

But as I say, sometimes remembering to take that little tablet slips your mind completely; so when I saw this drink in a little Goodybag aimed at mummy's to be (that my sister kindly gave to me as she's already a mummy and didn't really need anything from it) I was really intrigued! 

We all know that getting enough hydration is important to us pregos too so this is the added bonus of making sure you're drinking and getting all your Folic Acid needs and other vitamins and minerals too. 
This drink was Cranberry flavoured, when I opened the bottle it smelt divine! It smelt so fruity and summery, however the taste did not live up to the smell. My sister suggested that maybe the lack of taste may be to prevent any reaction in ladies suffering from morning sickness. It didn't taste awful; in fact it didn't really taste of much, just like a weak juice. If you like weak juice you may enjoy it more than I did but I'm a half cup of squash to half cup of water girl! They do do a Citrus flavour too which I would love to try as I am a great lover of citrus drinks as opposed to berries so it would be interesting to see what the flavour pay off would be like with that! 

All in all though, I think this is an amazing product, the flavours could be enhanced but I think that May just be down to personal preference. In fact it won the LBP (Loved By Parents) award for Best Maternity Innovation 2013 so I can't be the only one thinking this is a great product. 

You can find out more information on their website and where to purchase!

*I received this product in a Goodybag, I am not being paid to review this product I just wanted to let people know it existed*

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Exciting Weeks | Fairy's Tales

Today I am 20 weeks 5 days

I know, I know; I've been slacking! I don't know why but every Wednesday it comes to writing a new blog post and I just cannot be bothered! I don't know if it's because I write these on my iPad and I don't have a proper keyboard so typing on here seems to take soooo long but I really lack motivation! But enough is enough, I might just bite the bullet and buy a Bluetooth keyboard and stand so it's more like a laptop, we'll see! 

Anyway, a lot has happened since my last post, the most important thing being that my lovely boyfriend, the father of my child got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was very romantic but I will not divulge into the details because it's nice to keep thing private. 
The second exciting thing that happened the day after the engagement was that Lee felt the baby moving! I'd been feeling movement from around the 19th of April, just little taps that I totally wasn't sure if it was or not. Everyone seems to say it feels like butterflies and that was not the case at all. It felt like I was being flicked. Lee was away the evening I first felt it but on the 25th of April after we'd just been out to an amazing Indian restaurant we were lying on the settee and I could feel the monkey wriggling around and amazingly Lee got to feel it too. Since then he's felt a kick one other time and we've both seen my belly wave and judder (not just because of the chub). I like that he can experience this too, especially as to start with I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was in my own head!!

The 3rd excitement since I've been MIA was of course our 20 week scan. Now, we haven't found out the sex because to me it really doesn't matter; In fact I may post a whole blog on that. So if anyone out there thinks they're an expert on telling what the sex of a baby is by looking at scans I'd appreciate if you just kept your mouths shut (hormonal mother bitch here - seriously I will get you). Everything is fine with the little being, however during the scan my bladder was soooo full I could barely walk into the room let alone get onto the bed, plus the pressure of the machine, ugh, it was awful! We were in there for a good 30-40 minutes before they let me empty my bladder because the baby was in an awkward positition. Once I'd emptied my bladder, surprise surprise, the baby had turned and they could get all the heart measurements and face etc! I could have told them that!! 
Anyway! This has been a text heavy post, I am sooo sorry! I won't leave it so long next time! I have to go and make tea now so I will speak to you all next week!