Tuesday 25 March 2014

First Trimester | Symptoms and lack of!

Today I Am: 14 Weeks
So as I briefly mentioned in my first post I have suffered from little to no symptoms in this first trimester, and as so many people say the 2nd trimester is where everything starts to calm down so but the looks of things I may have gotten away with it! 

Now that's not to say I haven't experienced anything at all; about two weeks ago I woke up and left it a little bit too late before getting myself breakfast, (the woes of living in a shared house and having to make yourself slightly presentable before you rock up to the kitchen!!), I started to feel a bit funny and queasy. Sure enough as soon as I got out of bed I had an overwhelming urge to be sick, ran to the loo but of course...you can't throw up on an empty stomach! So that was that. I went and ate some cereal and felt fine! My one tip for any pregnant mummy's, eat whenever you feel hungry! Don't wait...don't feel stupid for wanting a snack, and don't listen to people if they tell you not to eat what you want. If all you can think about is Indian food, get some! As long as you aren't eating anything dangerous don't be too harsh on yourself!

The only other side effect I've had is a pain in my left side, not a constant pain but as I've described to Lee and my sister it feels like a headache in my side. It's not the same as a stomach ache, there's no feeling sick it just aches. A bit like a stitch but less stubby. So I promise you, if you're feeling this it is just your ligaments stretching. Mine started as early as 6 weeks which is crazy considering your tiny baby is so little, but it's just your uterus getting ready and making room; your body knows what it needs to do straight away even if it is your first pregnancy. Of course, I googled this pain and 80% of the advice was telling me that I had an ectopic pregnancy. If you are experiencing agonising cramps and pains that are stopping you doing day to day activities go to your doctor. Google is your enemy in the first weeks of pregnancy! 

It is the most worrying time and when you have no distinguishable symptoms, I don't know about you, but I did think the worst and I was so paranoid thinking that if I wasn't being sick or feeling knackered 24/7 nothing was working properly. Alas my little monkey was there, with it's feet up, little heart beating and s/he even gave us a little wave!

I'm also on Bloglovin now so click on the button to the side to follow me over there so you never miss a post!

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